Buffy version 1.0

Besides for the fact that it gave way to what would become (I’m pretty sure most of the time) my favorite TV series ever, I remember this movie for three reasons.

One: When I saw it initially during it’s theatrical run, girls were very excited to see it ’cause Luke Perry was in the midst of 90210 teen heart-throb stardom madness.

Two: Donald Sutherland was also in it (Canadian content).

And three: The great Paul Reubens, fresh off of the legendary masterpiece that was ‘Pee Wee’s Playhouse’…and a porn theatre attendance / run in with the law incident, turns in an excellent character and end scene (which I just realized I shouldn’t give details of, on the off chance that some folks may actually be going to the movie for the first time).

We’re screening ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ on Friday night, and then Monday’s screening is specifically in honour of newlyweds Al Kratina and Ali Anderson. Celebrate along with us, in our enjoyment of the killing of undead monsters by a snooty teenage cheerleader (sniff…so romantic).


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