‘All in the Day’ Book Club: A Broken Blade – Monday January 23 at 7:00pm!
Come join CBC Radio’s ALL IN A DAY host Alan Neal and local author Melissa Blair as they discuss A BROKEN BLADE, Melissa’s fantasy tale of elves, dark faeries, fierce halfling assassins and more.
Melissa chose the Mayfair Theatre as the place she wanted to hold the event, where All In A Day listeners, the ‘book club members’, join in with questions for Melissa…and you can too!
(Plus when you’re not buying Mayfair popcorn, the folks from Black Squirrel Books and The Spaniel’s Tale also will be there with a book buffet of works by local authors!)
It’s free…but to reserve a seat: drop Alan a line at [email protected]
(You can also join in virtually, if you want Alan to send you the link!)