All In A Day Goes to the Movies: A Fontaine Farewell

CBC OTTAWA’s “All In A Day” presents


The Mayfair Theatre is proud to be hosting a farewell party for the guy who’s been reviewing films for 25 years on CBC Radio’s All In A Day…

Robert Fontaine.

Yes, Robert has been reviewing films for a quarter of a century, but has decided it’s time to let the credits roll.

So on Thursday March 29th, join host Alan Neal as he and the All In A Day team join us, broadcasting live from The Mayfair Theatre.

From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Alan will be broadcasting live from the lobby and talking to people who make, watch, show and share films in Ottawa about the challenges and joys of the industry…

…while IN the theatre we’ll be showing some samples of Robert’s favourite films.

Then, for the last hour of the show, EVERYONE’s in the theatre as Robert and Alan take the stage, for the proper Fontaine farewell…

Robert will be taking questions from his fans in the live audience.

So if you can attend and have a question for Robert about his 25 years of reviewing films, send your question to [email protected] with the subject heading “I CAN GO ON MARCH 29.”

It’ll be followed by a showing at 6:15 pm of one of Robert’s all-time favourite films. (Try to guess which one.)

Tickets are free – first-come, first-serve – at the door!

Hope to see you on March 29th to say farewell to the one and only Robert Fontaine.

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