Saturday Morning All-You-Can-Eat-Cereal Cartoon Party, Volume 30: Holiday Season Edition!

The Mayfair fan favourite Saturday Morning All-You-Can-Eat-Cereal Cartoon Party returns with a special Holiday Season Edition on Saturday December 2 at 10:00am!


Remember when Saturday mornings were a wonderland of animated adventures, toy commercials, and marshmallow topped breakfast foods?

On Saturday December 2 at 10:00am, the Mayfair Theatre will tune back in those fuzzy UHF memories of childhood as we present our 30th Saturday Morning All-You-Can-Eat-Cereal Cartoon Party!

The program features THREE HOURS of classic cartoons (including fun retro commercial breaks), PLUS an epic SUGARY CEREAL BUFFET!
Feel free to bring your own spoon and bowl (reasonably sized please, no salad bowls). Pyjamas encouraged!

Admission is value-priced at just $10.00 children | $11.00 members | $15.50 non-members | $12.00 seniors.

*Please take note that doors open 30 minutes before showtimes. We encourage people to arrive early. We have a small box office, a small candy bar, and a single-screen cinema, meaning that when most of an audience shows up a few minutes before showtime, it causes a bottleneck. If possible, we appreciate you arriving a little bit early to pick out your seat and get your popcorn. Thanks for your help!

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