Sherlock Jr. and One Week – with Live Music by the VOC Silent Film Harmonic

Sherlock Jr. and One Week – with Live Music by the VOC Silent Film Harmonic, screening on Saturday May 4 at 2:00pm!

Advance tickets now available for Sherlock Jr. and One Week – with Live Music by the VOC Silent Film Harmonic!

Tickets: $13 members / $18 non-members / $14 seniors / $12 kids

When it comes to comedies, Buster Keaton has few peers. With his porkpie hat, floppy shoes, and stoic expression, Keaton consistently astounds with the pure physicality of his acting.
This program features a pair of classics that are full of classic Buster Keaton stunts. Sherlock Jr (1924, 45 min), sees Buster is in the pursuit of love but become embroiled in a movie, where he plays renowned detective Sherlock Jr.
And, in One Week (1920, 25 min) Buster and his new bride assemble their first home from a kit.

National Film Preservation Board: Sherlock Jr. and One Week have both been added to the National Film Registry!

“The greatest of the silent clowns is Buster Keaton…arguably, the greatest actor-director in the history of the movies.” (Roger Ebert)

“one of the greatest comic actors of all time…the greatest actor of the silent era.” (PBS)

“a genius…made silent pictures an art.” (The Guardian)

*Please take note that doors open 30 minutes before showtimes. We encourage people to arrive early. We have a small box office, a small candy bar, and a single-screen cinema, meaning that when most of an audience shows up a few minutes before showtime, it causes a bottleneck. If possible, we appreciate you arriving a little bit early to pick out your seat and get your popcorn. Thanks for your help!

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