The Wizard Of Oz – Family Day screening on February 17, additional screening on February 16!
Advance tickets now available for The Wiard Of Oz!
Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz. They embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others’ wishes.
Academy Awards: Best Score, Song award winner! Best Picture, Art Direction, Special Effects nominee!
National Film Preservation Board, USA: Added to the National Film Registry in 1989!
5 Stars! “truly great storytelling” (Time Out)
5 Stars! “a true barometer for greatness” (Empire)
5 Stars! “The greatest children’s movie of all time.” (Film 4)
5 Stars! “a masterpiece of early cinema…it’s simply a must-see film.” (Common Sense Media)
*Please take note that doors open 30 minutes before showtimes. We encourage people to arrive early. We have a small box office, a small candy bar, and a single-screen cinema, meaning that when most of an audience shows up a few minutes before showtime, it causes a bottleneck. If possible, we appreciate you arriving a little bit early to pick out your seat and get your popcorn. Thanks for your help!