The Zodiac Killer

July 8th and 9th! He may be a stranger…a friend…or the quiet guy who lives next door. Who is he…what is he…when is he going to strike again?

AGFA and Something Weird present a new 4K scan of the only movie in history made explicitly to catch a serial killer!

Directed by Tom Hanson, who had previously owned a chain of Pizza Man restaurants, the film was made to capture the real-life Zodiac Killer. That plan didn’t work. Instead, we got the most outrageous and compelling tabloid horror vortex in the history of planet Earth. During theatrical screenings, Hanson constructed in-theater traps to lure the killer from hiding. These included the use of an ice cream freezer filled with rent-a-cops and a raffle with a motorcycle as a prize. You won’t get insight like this by watching a David Fincher movie. But you will get it while watching The Zodiac Killer!

Read more about the film at Entertainment Weekly

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