Will THEY LIVE on October 21st!?

Often prints for genre fan-favourites are simply and sadly too expensive to bring in due to small turn outs for cult classics. Solution? Advance tickets!

When the box-office opens tonight we’ll have tickets available for John Carpenter’s alien invasion 80’s masterpiece, They Live. For a mere $10 bucks you can place your approving vote that this is the kind of programming you want to see at the Mayfair.

All we need to do is sell 75 tickets by September 15th to make this happen (the early nature of ticket cut-off date is due to information needed to puzzle-piece together the monthly schedules in an advanced nature of course).

If this works, I hope (as do many others I’m sure) that this can be a monthly and regular tradition.

75 tickets by September 15th = 35mm print of They Live at the Mayfair.
Countdown begins now…Go!

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