We are temporarily closed (as of March 15, 2020), based on the informationfrom the Chief Medical Officer of Ottawa Public Health, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Take care of yourself, and each other, and we look forward to seeing you soon at the movies.
We’re back! Here’s the schedule for November 6th – 12th (though, an anomaly for this week, things start up on Saturday instead of Friday). The Untouchables – Sean Connery Tribute! Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor award winner for Sean Connery, plus nominations for: Art Direction, Costume Design, & Original
The Mayfair Theatre – Ottawa’s oldest surviving movie theatre, and its last remaining cinema built before the Second World War – is getting new seats. Which means the old seats have to go somewhere. Which means you can buy them for $10 a pop. Our Seat-Sale is continuing today...we sold
Excited to announce our first premiere that we have been able to book nice and quick due to switching things over to weekly programming: the great (and recent double Oscar nominee for Philomena) Steve Coogan brings his beloved character Alan Partridge to the big screen! Alan Partridge premieres at the
Some eagle eyed patrons may have noticed some intriguing new information while looking at the March schedule poster that went up on display yesterday at the Mayfair. In the words of the great Douglas Adams…Don’t panic! There is a big change upcoming for the Mayfair Theatre, but it
As insane of a concept as this might seem, there was a point in recent motion picture history in which the brainstorm for films was actually original stories for the most part. Unlike the world we live in now, where nine out of ten films released are adaptations, remakes, reboots,
At the end of August (and early in September), we’re showing one of my favourite films of all time, Sorcerer. We’re also showing one of my favourite Woody Allen films, The Purple Rose of Cairo. Both were big international hits, and as movies open in different countries around
“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” is one of the most notorious films of the 1970s. Like “Night of the Living Dead” its title is synonymous with horror cinema and you are probably very well aware of the title even if you haven’t seen the film. Inspired by Wisconsin serial killer Ed
The Mayfair isn’t just a place for people who love movies – it’s a place for people who make them, too. That’s why, Thursday, November 12 at 6:30 PM, our Filmmakers in Attendance Screening Series welcomes high school teachers-turned filmmakers Enrico Lappano and Olga Antzoulatos, who will introduce and discuss
Five women and the delicate art of balance Documentary sheds light on women juggling art and motherhood By Jay Stone, The Ottawa CitizenMarch 7, 2009 = 460) { imgBox.className = ‘imagesize460’; } else { if(photo.width >= 300) { imgBox.className =