Category: Film industry

Ottawa Songwriters Uplifting the Mayfair fundraiser event!

A fine group of loyal and generous Mayfair patrons have banded together as the Ottawa Songwriters Uplifting the Mayfair to organize and host a fundraiser event this weekend. On Saturday, May 15th at 7:00pm and Sunday, May 16th at 2:00pm you can catch a pair of online virtual concert events!

Our Epic Six Year Long Friday The 13th Film Fest Continues!

Friday The 13th Part II – Friday November 13th, with encores on November 15th & 16th! We continue our epic six year long Friday The 13th Film Fest with movie two of twelve! Months after Alice beheaded psycho killer/Jason’s mother Pamela Voorhees at Camp Crystal Lake, survivor Alice is

Posters for Sale!

A silver lining of being in lockdown is that we’ve been able to get a lot of cleaning up done around the cinema. A giant chore taken care of was alphabetizing and logging our poster archives. Now that that task is out of the way, we’ve unearthed hundreds of posters

R.I.P. Sage Stallone

The movie industry has lost another talented contributor to motion picture conservation: Sage Stallone, eldest son of Sylvester, died today at the age of 36. Sage co-starred with his father in ROCKY V and DAYLIGHT. He left acting to pursue film distribution as he co-founded Grindhouse Releasing in

Rare Exports is a rare import

According to the movie’s official website, Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is set to premiere in New York on December 3, 2010. Only one other city in North America is premiering the film that day — and that city is Ottawa. We’re scooping Los Angeles, Toronto,

Shadows & Light

Meet Gary Warner Kent, stuntman, actor, writer, director, and survivor of the 50s/60s and 70s era of Hollywood low budget filmmaking. Kent has written a very entertaining and revealing book about his experiences rubbing broken elbows with the likes of Warren Oates, Jack Nicholson, Lee Marvin, and directors

The End of Kids Club

It’s with a heavy cinema geek heart that we announce the cancellation of our Kids Club program. The harsh reality is that despite best of efforts, and seemingly high enthusiasm from our patron base, the program never managed to get off the ground. Any other business with more logic based

The Interview Unleashed!

It’ll be a Happy New Year indeed, with Seth Rogen and James Franco up on our screen in The Interview! Starts on Friday January 2nd at 9:00pm! Take that hackers!

The King's Speech is Somewhere (else)

UPDATE: We will be showing The King’s Speech on April 3, 6 & 7. Unfortunately, The Mayfair’s scheduled screenings of The King’s Speech (March 11-14 & 17) have been cancelled. Why? In early February, we booked The King’s Speech from distributor Alliance Atlantis.

The Middle Word in Life

We have yet to program a proper tribute to Dennis Hopper (don’t worry, we’ll get around to it!), but in the mean time, here’s an excellent video essay/appreciation by Matt Zoller Seitz of the Museum of the Moving Image.

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