Category: Film industry

The Wonderful World of Polish Movie Posters

A website called has a selection of bizarre, outrageous and truly inspired Polish posters for Hollywood films. These eye popping works of art go far and beyond what you would expect for any piece of movie promotional material. See for yourself…

Shadows & Light

Meet Gary Warner Kent, stuntman, actor, writer, director, and survivor of the 50s/60s and 70s era of Hollywood low budget filmmaking. Kent has written a very entertaining and revealing book about his experiences rubbing broken elbows with the likes of Warren Oates, Jack Nicholson, Lee Marvin, and directors

John Waters: "Don we now are gay apparel"

There’s nothing like Christmas time with John Waters (director of Pink Flamingos, Hairspray) Roger Ebert has written an article about an upcoming Christmas show presented by the Pope of Trash himself. Check it out… John Waters: Don we now our gay apparel

Rare Exports is a rare import

According to the movie’s official website, Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is set to premiere in New York on December 3, 2010. Only one other city in North America is premiering the film that day — and that city is Ottawa. We’re scooping Los Angeles, Toronto,

Winds of Heaven "one of the most important films ever made about British Columbia.”

Or that’s what the director of the Vancouver International Film Festival thinks, anyway Why not see for yourself on Oct. 27 & 28 when this Ottawa-made biography of Emily Carr premieres at the Mayfair?

Man, there sure are a lot of Shining posters on the internets

The Shining plays at the Mayfair Oct 10 at 8:45 Oct. 25 at 9:20 PM. But on the internets, a lot of people have been playing with iconic images from the film, turning them into unofficial posters. I found dozens when I went looking,

Mistah Curtis-he dead.

I recently watched Trapeze on TCM (really the only place on TV to watch movies – proper aspect ratio, no commercials or editing — but I digress.). I started watching for Burt Lancaster, but as it went on, I enjoyed Tony Curtis’ performance more and more. He was

Mayfair projectionists are heroes in Britain!

They’re heroes here, too, of course. We at the Mayfair believe that the projectionist is the final – and often, the most important – member of any film’s crew. But in Britain, our projectionists are making news. Our web maestro, John Wiseman, alerted us to this bit of Mayfair coverage

The Room: The Video Game!

Courtesy of, The Room Tribute game is online! Check it out here: It’ll tear you apart! And don’t miss the 1 year anniversary screening of The Room on Saturday September 18 at 11:45pm.

The Middle Word in Life

We have yet to program a proper tribute to Dennis Hopper (don’t worry, we’ll get around to it!), but in the mean time, here’s an excellent video essay/appreciation by Matt Zoller Seitz of the Museum of the Moving Image.

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