Category: Film news

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 233: History’s Greatest Monster!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud iTunes Stitcher This week, Eric, Andrew, and Josh chat about: a Super Mario bar, time zone jet lag, MST3K vacations, expensive Canadian

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 234: Apocalypse Now Babies!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud iTunes Stitcher This week, Eric, Andrew, and Josh chat about: long directorial career gaps, the fall of Val Kilmer, screening streaming movies, studios battling

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 236: A Terrible Curse!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud iTunes Stitcher This week, Eric, Andrew, and Josh chat about: poor podcast skills, the fate of Dreamworks, executive producers, MST3K, getting cut out

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 237: Karma Is A Dog!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud iTunes Stitcher This week, Eric, Anya, and Josh chat about: being left handed, government work, writing references, resumes, indie businesses vs

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 238: Has To Be Seen To Be Believed!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud iTunes Stitcher This week, Eric, Andrew, and Josh chat about: new equipment, selling out, reddit horrors, offended patrons, Joker movie controversy, Adam Sandler’s

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 240: Wait! What Are We Talking About?

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud Apple Podcasts Stitcher This week, Eric and Josh chat about: a false Josh Groban appearance, The Polar Express, people critiquing movies they

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 241: A Trainwreck Every Year!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud Apple Podcasts Stitcher This week, Andrew and Josh are joined by Sam from the Absent Friends Shadow Cast! Besides for the

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 242: Famously A Coward!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud Apple Podcasts Stitcher This week, Eric and Josh are joined by Lorenzo and Mike from Embarrassing Humans! They talk a whole

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 244: I’ve Seen Some Stuff!

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast right now via your favourite podcast app! Including: Soundcloud Apple Podcasts Stitcher This week, Eric and Josh are joined by Sam from the Absent Friends Shadow Cast! They chat about: surviving another Rocky

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 245: Some Dreamboat Vampire

Listen to a brand new episode of the Mayfair Theatre Podcast via your favourite podcast app, including: Soundcloud Apple Podcasts Stitcher This week, Eric and Josh chat about: Batman movies and tv shows, geek culture legacy, avoiding trailers, bad movies that aren’t

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