Category: Mayfair news

Kids Stuff!

Thanks to everyone who came out to see Frozen with us this weekend. We had really good numbers turn out for both screenings. We’ll have an encore of the film this weekend: Saturday April 5 at 3:30pm and Sunday April 6 at 1:00pm. And yes, we plan to


16 Projects from 11 filmmakers! Ranging from under 60 seconds in length to a whopping 22 minutes! Featuring local Ottawa talent, & shorts from the far off lands of Calgary and Montreal! Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, Torture, Elvis, Puppets, Cartoons!! (listed alphabetically by director…) Massacrator – Pierre Ayotte You &

KILLER63 part V

This is somewhat unbelievable to me, but Killer63’s fifth year is on the horizon.  So again, I’m starting to get the word out to filmmakers who are interested in submitting a short horror film to be screened as part of our mini one-night film festival at the Mayfair.

Killer63 Returns for Year Seven!

  Killer63 returns to the Mayfair right before Halloween, on Sunday October 28th. The one night only mini-film fest will again showcase short horror film offerings from local and international filmmakers. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the fest, or if you’re

Lord of the Rings: Extended!

Our print of The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring arrived yesterday, and surprise, surprise, it’s the special extended edition! We’d expected the regular theatrical version – that’s what we were told was available – but we got this instead. Not that we’re complaining! It just

Maestro At The Movies – Rocky!

Rocky – Sunday August 20th! Doors at noon, 12:30pm screening Mighty Maestro Fitness presents the first Maestro At The Movies! Support local athletes with the rare chance to watch the Oscar winning classic on the big screen! Come dressed as your favourite Rocky OR Stallone character! Take part

Make room for The Room bobbleheads!

We stay in close touch with Tommy Wiseau, the, um, creative force behind The Room. Since we started our regular Participaction screenings of the film several months ago, audiences have grown and grown. Inexplicably, Ottawa wants more The Room! So, when Tommy offered us a couple

Marquee Hibernation!

It’s that time of year, with winter hitting soon, that the marquee goes into hibernation. Don’t fret, showtimes are on the website, you can subscribe to our weekly e-mail newsletter, listen to our podcast, call us, get a paper copy of showtimes from the cinema, look at posters as

Maximum terror–Maximum KING!

Stephen King’s 1986 directorial debut MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE comes to the Mayfair in a great and rare 35mm presentation, on Friday March 18 at midnight. We got a very cool poster designed for us courtesy of a website called They’re posters in the same design as the ones

May 27 – June 2!

-The Rose Maker- 2nd Week! Annapolis Film Fest: Audience Award/Best Feature Film award winner! “Very, very charming.” (Film Week – NPR LA) “poetic & insightful…a warm, funny & heartfelt delight.” (NYC Movie Guru) -Petite Maman- 2nd Week! San Sebastián International Film Fest: Audience Award winner! 97% Certified

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