Category: Ottawa premieres

Friday August 1st – Thursday August 7th!

Thursday August 1st – Friday August 7th! High school teacher romance between Oscar winner Juliette Binoche and nominee Clive Owen in WORDS AND PICTURES. The late great Philip Seymour Hoffman in A MOST WANTED MAN. Sci-fi family friendly matinee fare with EARTH TO ECHO. And the Ottawa Premiere’s of the

Friday July 25th – Thursday July 31st

Friday July 25 – Thursday July 31! Join us for another week of great cinematic offerings, and an air conditioned excuse to get out of the heat! Chef, Begin Again, Locke, the Ottawa Premiere of Video Games: The Movie, one more screening of The Wind Rises, the Back to the

Friday July 18th – Thursday July 24th!

Another great week at the Mayfair from Friday July 18 – Thursday July 24! The Immigrant – Nominated for Best Film at NYFF 2013 & for the Palme d’Or at Cannes 2013. A 1920’s coming to America, magic themed romantic drama starring Oscar winner Marion Cotillard, & multiple

Friday July 11th – Thursday July 17th!

Not one or two, but three Ottawa Premieres this Friday night…which is followed up by a fourth premiere on Saturday afternoon! I’m pretty sure that that’s the first time such an event has happened in the Mayfair’s long history! We’ve got: The Roger Ebert documentary Life Itself, the

July 4th – July 10th!

July 4th – 10th at the Mayfair! Cyber-Seniors, Tracks, Borgman, Blood Glacier, Rio 2, Fateful Findings and The Scarecrow Club!

June 20th – 26th!

June 20th – 26th! The Unknown Known, Million Dollar Arm, The Sacrament, Rio 2, The Room, and Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer! Plus two festivals showcasing local filmmaking talents: the Spring Digi60 Filmmaker’s Festival and Treepot Cliffhanger: Chapter 5!

Beware the Discopath!

Discopath makes its Ottawa Premiere at the Mayfair on Saturday May 10th. We’ll have some extra special guests in attendance: Actor Ivan Freud, actress Katherine Cleland and director Renaud Gauthier. Join us for the new indie Canadian horror film that is destined to become a cult classic. Blood

Oh Canada!

We celebrate and present Canadian cinema much more frequently then just once a year. So, on the heels of National Canadian Film Day, join us again for a special Canadiana double-bill on Thursday May 1st: Algonquin an 7:00pm and The Husband at 9:30pm. Algonquin director Jonathan Hayes

CPAWS presents On the Line

Join us for a special screening on May 14 at 7:00pm of the documentary On The Line. For more information, click over to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society website. ———————————- The Northern Gateway Pipeline Project is a proposal by Calgary’s Enbridge Corporation to construct a 1,170

With one switch. Everything Changes.

There will be an extra educational bonus at the Friday night screening of Particle Fever. Carleton University physics professor Heather E. Logan will be on hand to give an introduction to the film, and we should have time for a quick couple of q&a questions afterwards. Join us

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