We stay in close touch with Tommy Wiseau, the, um, creative force behind The Room. Since we started our regular Participaction screenings of the film several months ago, audiences have grown and grown. Inexplicably, Ottawa wants more The Room! So, when Tommy offered us a couple
Often, we get promotional materials for the films we’re showing (posters, trailers, postcards, etc.). Just as often, though, we don’t. Many films show up with no support. We do our best to get the word out, but it can be an uphill battle. The distributors of Street Trash
This article originally appeared on The Cultural Gutter. You can read it in its original form there. Spoilers, ho. HIS SOUL’S STILL DANCING by Ian Driscoll In the course of making The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans, Werner Herzog seems to have discovered how to
“Movies are the memories of our lifetime. We need to keep them alive.” That’s part of what Martin Scorsese had to say in his speech at the Golden Globes about the importance of preserving old. You can hear and see the rest of what he had to say here:
Our print of The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring arrived yesterday, and surprise, surprise, it’s the special extended edition! We’d expected the regular theatrical version – that’s what we were told was available – but we got this instead. Not that we’re complaining! It just
As you may or may not know, two of the Mayfair’s owners also co-host the weekly radio show The Drunken Master Revue (motto: by movie geeks, for movie geeks). On yesterday’s show, we shared our lists of the best films of the decade. It’s a thing people are
Two very dedicated Ghostbusters fans – Matt Provencal and Phil Trottier – showed up at our November Ghostbusters double bill in full uniform. And after the show, they powered up their proton accelerators and got rid of an ugly little spud who’d been hanging around the North balcony since the
Thanks to carpenter, stuntman extraordinaire and friend of the Mayfair Dave Cherry, we’re now in the business of selling posters! Spend a few minutes before or after the show (or while in line to buy some refreshments) browsing our collection – and take one home for only five
(This piece originally appeared on The Cultural Gutter. You can see it in its original form there, along with many other musings on film, comics, science fiction, fantasy and romance. Ch-check it.) (Also, spoilers ahead. There, you’ve been warned.) Spike Jonze’s adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s
James Cameron’s Avatar is getting all kinds of praise from all kinds of places, including CNN’s Tom Charity. Charity suggests that, if you’re going to see the Terminator director’s latest, you’d do well to give yourself some context by going to see Joe Berlinger’s Crude, as well: Dramatically, [Avatar is]