Category: Mayfair news

Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero Return!

“The Citizen Kane of bad movies!” (Entertainment Weekly) Tickets NOW on sale in the Mayfair box office for Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero’s grand return to The Room’s favourite movie theatre and fan-base! Prepare yourself for the interactive motion picture event that you will never forget! Two screenings

Update on David Lynch Tribute Film Festival: Dreams of an Eagle Scout

Update! Bad news and good news for our David Lynch Tribute Film Festival: Dreams of an Eagle Scout. Bad news…The Elephant Man isn’t available. Good news…Mullholland Drive is available! (movie distribution is a strange and complicated beast) So, still 9 out of 10 movies.

Vaccine Verification Requirements

The province of Ontario has made vaccinations mandatory for admission to various places that people gather, including cinemas like the Mayfair. This provincial policy goes into place on Wednesday, September 22nd. Those 12 years and older will need to show a physical paper copy of their vaccination records, or a

Vaccine Verification Update – Re: March 1, 2022

We have decided to continue to require proof of vaccination at the Mayfair. We made this difficult decision out of concern for the health of our guests and staff, and because we want to do our part to help ensure a safe return to normal (remember that?) for our entire community. Per

Vintage Marquee Tiles for Sale!

Place this information under the category of part garage sale, part fundraiser, part collector’s item. During recent lockdown cleaning, we stumbled on some vintage marquee tiles. Not positive when they are from, but they must have been made use of before our current marquee was put in place. They don’t

Wade Davis – on the radio and on his way to the Mayfair

Wade Davis is the bestselling author of several books, including The Serpent and the Rainbow. That book later became the film of the same name directed by Wes Craven, and Wade Davis will be at the Mayfair on Apr. 27 for a special screening of  The Serpent and the Rainbow.

We’re Back! Schedule for Saturday November 7th – Thursday November 12th!

We’re back! Here’s the schedule for November 6th – 12th (though, an anomaly for this week, things start up on Saturday instead of Friday). The Untouchables – Sean Connery Tribute! Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor award winner for Sean Connery, plus nominations for: Art Direction, Costume Design, & Original

Weekly Programming = Faster Bookings

Excited to announce our first premiere that we have been able to book nice and quick due to switching things over to weekly programming:  the great (and recent double Oscar nominee for Philomena) Steve Coogan brings his beloved character Alan Partridge to the big screen! Alan Partridge premieres at the

Weekly Programming Coming Soon!

Some eagle eyed patrons may have noticed some intriguing new information while looking at the March schedule poster that went up on display yesterday at the Mayfair. In the words of the great Douglas Adams…Don’t panic! There is a big change upcoming for the Mayfair Theatre, but it

Will THEY LIVE on October 21st!?

Often prints for genre fan-favourites are simply and sadly too expensive to bring in due to small turn outs for cult classics. Solution? Advance tickets! When the box-office opens tonight we’ll have tickets available for John Carpenter’s alien invasion 80’s masterpiece, They Live. For a mere $10 bucks

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