Month: January 2010

Best of the decade?

As you may or may not know, two of the Mayfair’s owners also co-host the weekly radio show The Drunken Master Revue (motto: by movie geeks, for movie geeks). On yesterday’s show, we shared our lists of the best films of the decade. It’s a thing people are

Lord of the Rings: Extended!

Our print of The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring arrived yesterday, and surprise, surprise, it’s the special extended edition! We’d expected the regular theatrical version – that’s what we were told was available – but we got this instead. Not that we’re complaining! It just

Do you like old movies? So does Martin Scorsese

“Movies are the memories of our lifetime. We need to keep them alive.” That’s part of what Martin Scorsese had to say in his speech at the Golden Globes about the importance of preserving old. You can hear and see the rest of what he had to say here:

His soul's still dancing

This article originally appeared on The Cultural Gutter. You can read it in its original form there. Spoilers, ho. HIS SOUL’S STILL DANCING by Ian Driscoll In the course of making The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans, Werner Herzog seems to have discovered how to

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