“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” is one of the most notorious films of the 1970s. Like “Night of the Living Dead” its title is synonymous with horror cinema and you are probably very well aware of the title even if you haven’t seen the film. Inspired by Wisconsin serial killer Ed
We’re back! Here’s the schedule for November 6th – 12th (though, an anomaly for this week, things start up on Saturday instead of Friday). The Untouchables – Sean Connery Tribute! Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor award winner for Sean Connery, plus nominations for: Art Direction, Costume Design, & Original
Place this information under the category of part garage sale, part fundraiser, part collector’s item. During recent lockdown cleaning, we stumbled on some vintage marquee tiles. Not positive when they are from, but they must have been made use of before our current marquee was put in place. They don’t
Update! Bad news and good news for our David Lynch Tribute Film Festival: Dreams of an Eagle Scout. Bad news…The Elephant Man isn’t available. Good news…Mullholland Drive is available! (movie distribution is a strange and complicated beast) So, still 9 out of 10 movies.
“The Citizen Kane of bad movies!” (Entertainment Weekly) Tickets NOW on sale in the Mayfair box office for Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero’s grand return to The Room’s favourite movie theatre and fan-base! Prepare yourself for the interactive motion picture event that you will never forget! Two screenings
-The Persian Version -Anatomy Of A Fall -The Room- Screening 164! -Stop Making Sense- 40th Anniversary! -The Postman Always Rings Twice- Noirvember! -Messiah Of Evil -Coffee To Cocktails- Canadian Premiere! -Saturday Night Sinema- Free for Members/Members Only!
-One Life- 5 Stars! (London Evening Standard) -Maniac- “a classic” (The Horror Report) -The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Hosted by The Absent Friends Shadow Cast! Ottawa Premieres: -Remembering Gene Wilder- 5 Stars! (Flick Direct) -Sting- “an excellent creature feature” (Movie Web) Special Presentations: -The Condor
We have yet to program a proper tribute to Dennis Hopper (don’t worry, we’ll get around to it!), but in the mean time, here’s an excellent video essay/appreciation by Matt Zoller Seitz of the Museum of the Moving Image.
In 1983, U.S. President (and former actor) Ronald Reagan gave a salute to one of cinema’s most enduring characters: James Bond. Check out this hilarious blast from the past as Reagan proudly regards 007 as a “10” ! and don’t forget to check out The James Bond Film
It’s with a heavy cinema geek heart that we announce the cancellation of our Kids Club program. The harsh reality is that despite best of efforts, and seemingly high enthusiasm from our patron base, the program never managed to get off the ground. Any other business with more logic based