Category: Film news

Thursday November 10 – Friday November 16!

-The Persian Version -Anatomy Of A Fall -The Room- Screening 164! -Stop Making Sense- 40th Anniversary! -The Postman Always Rings Twice- Noirvember! -Messiah Of Evil -Coffee To Cocktails- Canadian Premiere! -Saturday Night Sinema- Free for Members/Members Only!

Thursday February 21 – Thursday February 27!

-Universal Language- Cannes: Directors’ Fortnight Audience Award winner! -5 Stars! (Winnipeg Free Press) -I’m Still Here- Academy Awards: Best Motion Picture, International Feature, Lead Actress nominee! -4/4 Stars! (The Seattle Times) -Babygirl- 2nd Week! 5 Stars! (The Telegraph) -5 Stars (The Skinny) -Blue Velvet- David Lynch Tribute

Thursday April 19 – Friday April 25!

-One Life- 5 Stars! (London Evening Standard) -Maniac- “a classic” (The Horror Report) -The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Hosted by The Absent Friends Shadow Cast! Ottawa Premieres: -Remembering Gene Wilder- 5 Stars! (Flick Direct) -Sting- “an excellent creature feature” (Movie Web) Special Presentations: -The Condor

The Room: The Video Game!

Courtesy of, The Room Tribute game is online! Check it out here: It’ll tear you apart! And don’t miss the 1 year anniversary screening of The Room on Saturday September 18 at 11:45pm.

The Ottawa Citizen is gay for Stonewall Uprising

Stonewall Uprising is a new documentary about the growing gay rights movement in the late 60s that included a major riot outside the Stonewall, a New York City gay bar that was raided by police until one night in the summer of 1969, when its patrons refused to

The Ottawa Adventure Film Festival

For more info on the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, which includes screenings hosted at the Mayfair, click on over to the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival website! The OAFF features films from around the world highlighted in two programs. Mountains & Water is featured on November 16th & 23rd.

The Next The Room?

Fateful Findings, the future cult classic that just may be the next incarnation of The Room makes its premiere April 5th! Brace yourselves! “one of the most unique movie experiences you will ever have…without a doubt the next cult classic that will play midnight screenings for years to come”

The Middle Word in Life

We have yet to program a proper tribute to Dennis Hopper (don’t worry, we’ll get around to it!), but in the mean time, here’s an excellent video essay/appreciation by Matt Zoller Seitz of the Museum of the Moving Image.

The Interview Unleashed!

It’ll be a Happy New Year indeed, with Seth Rogen and James Franco up on our screen in The Interview! Starts on Friday January 2nd at 9:00pm! Take that hackers!

The End of Kids Club

It’s with a heavy cinema geek heart that we announce the cancellation of our Kids Club program. The harsh reality is that despite best of efforts, and seemingly high enthusiasm from our patron base, the program never managed to get off the ground. Any other business with more logic based

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