Category: Filmmakers in Attendance

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 139: Damn, Girl!

Download to our brand new 139th episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I use Podcast Addict), or you can always listen on: Soundcloud, iTunes, and Stitcher This week, Josh is joined by his friends, returning guests Drunky and April! They chat about bad phone etiquette

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 140: Thank You, Jar Jar!

Download to our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I use Podcast Addict), or you can always listen on: Soundcloud, iTunes, or Stitcher  This week, Lee and Josh are back on home turf, recording in the cinema. They chat about Ottawa’s Jar Jar

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 141: Off Off Off Broadway!

Download to our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I use Podcast Addict), or you can always listen on: Soundcloud, iTunes, or Stitcher! This week Josh is joined by Sam, Cassia, and Andrew from the Absent Friends Shadowcast! They discuss surviving another

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 142: That Stupid Mustache

Download our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I use Podcast Addict), or you can always listen on: Soundcloud , iTunes, andStitcher  This week, Andrew, Lee, and I chat about: Star Wars merch,

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 143: Untitled!

Download our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I use Podcast Addict), or you can always listen on: Soundcloud, iTunes , or Stitcher ! Josh ran off for a visit to New York City, and forgot the notes that he wrote down while

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 144: This Is A Really Strange World

Listen to our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I like Podcast Addict), or on: Soundcloud, iTunes, and Stitcher! This week, Lee and Josh are joined by extra special Friend-of-Mayfair guest, Greg Sestero! Greg is in town in celebration of our 99th

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 145: A Good Idea On Paper

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 145: A Good Idea On Paper – Listen to our brand new episode right now via your favourite podcast app (I like Podcast Addict), or on: Soundcloud, iTunes, and Stitcher! This week Lee and Josh chat about: a weekly schedule vs monthly, the multiplex distribution conundrum, endless

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 151: A Hot Item These Days With The Youth!

Listen to our brand new episode on your favourite podcast app (I like Podcast Addict), or via: Soundcloud, iTunes, and Stitcher ! This week, Lee and Josh are joined by filmmaker Peter Monet, catch the World Premiere of his new movie Hot Knives at the Mayfair on

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 152: Whether You Liked It Or Not!

Listen to our brand new episode on your favourite podcast app (I like Podcast Addict), or via: Soundcloud , iTunes, and Stitcher This week, Andrew, Eric, and Josh chat about Oscar nominations present and past! Plus, they also mention the movies screening the week of January 26th

Mayfair Theatre Podcast 153: It’s Not That Kind Of Cinema!

Listen to our brand new episode on your favourite podcast app (I like Podcast Addict), or via: Soundcloud , iTunes , or Stitcher This week, Andrew, Lee, and Josh are joined by return guest Peter Monet. They discuss the recent blockbuster, sold out, world premiere of his

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