Coming Soon! A special matinee screening of Time Bandits in honour of the publication of Kelly Tindall‘s family friendly pirate comic book Strangebeard! Kelly will be on hand with brand new copies of the comic, so you can pick one up for yourself, after enjoying one
We regret to inform you that our planned screening of Suspiria, featuring a live musical score by Goblin, has been cancelled. According to an email we received from the production company presenting the event, a member of the band was admitted to hospital yesterday, and all appearances are currently on
Our friends at The Comic Book Shoppe present the new Sin City collaboration from Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For – Wednesday October 1st and Thursday October 2nd at 9:00pm!
It’s with a heavy cinema geek heart that we announce the cancellation of our Kids Club program. The harsh reality is that despite best of efforts, and seemingly high enthusiasm from our patron base, the program never managed to get off the ground. Any other business with more logic based
Upon realization that we were screening a Burt Reynolds movie in November, we thought that that would be a good opportunity to collect donations for the Movember cause. What better movie icon to rally around than the actor with one of the most famous mustaches of all time?
It’ll be a Happy New Year indeed, with Seth Rogen and James Franco up on our screen in The Interview! Starts on Friday January 2nd at 9:00pm! Take that hackers!
For more info on the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival, which includes screenings hosted at the Mayfair, click on over to the Ottawa Adventure Film Festival website! The OAFF features films from around the world highlighted in two programs. Mountains & Water is featured on November 16th & 23rd.
Courtesy of, The Room Tribute game is online! Check it out here: It’ll tear you apart! And don’t miss the 1 year anniversary screening of The Room on Saturday September 18 at 11:45pm.
We had sellout crowds for our presentations of Night of the Living Dead Live this past weekend. We also had some people show up who weren’t there for the show. They were there for the audience. Or more precisely, to save the audience members’ souls. Paul Latour: purification,
-One Life- 5 Stars! (London Evening Standard) -Maniac- “a classic” (The Horror Report) -The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Hosted by The Absent Friends Shadow Cast! Ottawa Premieres: -Remembering Gene Wilder- 5 Stars! (Flick Direct) -Sting- “an excellent creature feature” (Movie Web) Special Presentations: -The Condor