
Call For Entires for the 6th Annual Painted Lips & Lolly Licks: The Sexy Film Festival 2015!

Currently accepting submissions of local and international short films for the 6th Annual Painted Lips and Lolly Licks: The Sexy Film Festival 2015! Please submit your sexy short films (10 minutes or less) on DVD or Quicktime files before midnight on Sunday February 8th. Send entries via

Buffy version 1.0

Besides for the fact that it gave way to what would become (I’m pretty sure most of the time) my favorite TV series ever, I remember this movie for three reasons. One: When I saw it initially during it’s theatrical run, girls were very excited to see it ’cause Luke

Bring-Your-Doggie Matinee!

 Our friends at Wag Pet Shop  present a special Bring-Your-Doggie matinee screening of Tim Burton’s stop-motion animation feature Frankenweenie on Sunday December 30th at 2:30pm.


This January, we bring 007 back the Mayfair with our 4th Annual James Bond Film Festival. But the excitement doesn’t stop there!  Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bond… 2012 marks the golden anniversary of the first James Bond movie, Dr. No, starring suave Sean Connery. The NAC Orchestra salutes the

Bob Hoskins Tribute

In honour of the great Bob Hoskins, we present a very rare 35mm screening of the highly acclaimed British crime classic, The Long Good Friday. Join us on Friday May 16 at 10:30pm or Sunday May 18 at 10:00pm. Roger Ebert gave the film 4 Stars and praised

Blood and Ice Cream

Love is a strong word. But I love Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright. Back in 2004, a poster showed up online for ‘Shaun of the Dead‘. I had never heard of the movie, and didn’t know who the man in the poster was, but being a zombie

Big Screen Oscars!

The 88th Annual Academy Awards! Hosted by Chris Rock! On the big screen! Doors open at 7:00pm for the Red Carpet Pre-Show / Awards Ceremony begins at 8:30pm. Check our schedule for the ongoing marathon of Oscar nominees that we’ll be screening! Free for Members / Members Only / Licensed

Big Rig Brewery Promotion!

Next time you are in to see a movie you can grab one of these cards from the box office or the candy bar from our friends at BIG RIG Brewery. Then you can use the promo code on it for 15% off of your next Big Rig

Beware the Discopath!

Discopath makes its Ottawa Premiere at the Mayfair on Saturday May 10th. We’ll have some extra special guests in attendance: Actor Ivan Freud, actress Katherine Cleland and director Renaud Gauthier. Join us for the new indie Canadian horror film that is destined to become a cult classic. Blood

Best of the decade?

As you may or may not know, two of the Mayfair’s owners also co-host the weekly radio show The Drunken Master Revue (motto: by movie geeks, for movie geeks). On yesterday’s show, we shared our lists of the best films of the decade. It’s a thing people are

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