
Tonight terror is on the menu!

Low budget indie horror has a long and storied history in film. There are endless examples, some of them successful, some of them legendary. Whether it’s Roger Corman or Lloyd Kaufman. Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Halloween. Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activities. Ottawa as a city itself

What's the matter? Everything.

The Mayfair isn’t just a place for people who love movies – it’s a place for people who make them, too. That’s why,  Thursday, November 12 at 6:30 PM, our Filmmakers in Attendance Screening Series welcomes high school teachers-turned filmmakers Enrico Lappano and Olga Antzoulatos, who will introduce and discuss

Old seats. New home.

Remember back in December of ’08 when we tore all the old seats out of the Mayfair and put in the brand new (to us) seats we have today? We sold nearly all of the original seats, and here’s where a few of them ended up:

SEX! (And now that we've got your attention…)

SEX! Now that we’ve got your attention, Painted Lips and Lolly Licks: The Sexy Film Festival returns to the Mayfair Feb 13, and we want to show your movie! Any film that explores themes of sex, romance or the erotic is eligible, provided it’s: 10 minutes or


16 Projects from 11 filmmakers! Ranging from under 60 seconds in length to a whopping 22 minutes! Featuring local Ottawa talent, & shorts from the far off lands of Calgary and Montreal! Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, Torture, Elvis, Puppets, Cartoons!! (listed alphabetically by director…) Massacrator – Pierre Ayotte You &

Seeing Avatar? See Crude. (CNN says!)

James Cameron’s Avatar is getting all kinds of praise from all kinds of places, including CNN’s Tom Charity. Charity suggests that, if you’re going to see the Terminator director’s latest, you’d do well to give yourself some context by going to see Joe Berlinger’s Crude, as well: Dramatically, [Avatar is]


(This piece originally appeared on The Cultural Gutter. You can see it in its original form there, along with many other musings on film, comics, science fiction, fantasy and romance. Ch-check it.) (Also, spoilers ahead. There, you’ve been warned.) Spike Jonze’s adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s

Posters! Get yer red-hot posters!

Thanks to carpenter, stuntman extraordinaire and friend of the Mayfair Dave Cherry, we’re now in the business of selling posters! Spend a few minutes before or after the show (or while in line to buy some refreshments) browsing our collection – and take one home for only five

File this under "better late than never"

Two very dedicated Ghostbusters fans – Matt Provencal and Phil Trottier – showed up at our November Ghostbusters double bill in full uniform. And after the show, they powered up their proton accelerators and got rid of an ugly little spud who’d been hanging around the North balcony since the

Best of the decade?

As you may or may not know, two of the Mayfair’s owners also co-host the weekly radio show The Drunken Master Revue (motto: by movie geeks, for movie geeks). On yesterday’s show, we shared our lists of the best films of the decade. It’s a thing people are

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